
Gay And Christian

(*** Shortly after the one year anniversary of this blog I decided to go back through some of my journal posts. I feel it is necessary to tell you that over the course of the year I made the decision to leave the Russian Orthodox Church. In fact, I made the decision to break from all organized religion. I came to the personal conclusion that, even though I believe in God, all religion is man-made myth. ***)

This is a comment thread I found recently that I thought was interesting. It supports my own call to celibacy. The call to celibacy is made clear to me in Romans I. I however, can not help being Gay. I do not agree that being Gay is an illness to be cured. God does not make mistakes. What a holy mess. What do you think? Leave a comment.

This is the comment thread:

That’s a good question, but it is one that I cannot answer because I am not gay. However, that is the reason why I don’t consider it my place to condemn homosexuals, or to pretend to any moral superiority.

I can’t see any way of reading the Bible other than to conclude that God’s ideal for human relationships (beyond friendship and family of course) is a life long, monogamous commitment between a man and woman. However, I realise that we live in a broken world and that for some people that isn’t an option. I don’t pretend to know what the answer is for those people.

I believe that God can change and heal, and I believe that some people are called to celibacy. But, I know how easy it is for me to say those things (though if I weren’t married celibacy would be my life as well), which is why I don’t believe in legislating my views on the issue, nor do I think that I can make my standards the criteria for being part of the Church. Like anyone, if someone who is gay enters into a relationship with God, He will gradually work in their life to bring it into line with His will and remove the things which are not His will. This is (hopefully) happening in my life, as the sin and brokeness in my life is removed step by step.

This process is between that person and God, and not for me to judge how well they are doing at it. What is my role, though, is to provide the same love and compassion as I do to anyone else. However, part of loving someone is telling them when you think they are doing something wrong or harmful. I don’t think it helpful to say that some things are not issues when they are, so I think I have a duty to tell people what I think are Biblical standards. It is up to them what they do about it.

I believe the Church has failed homosexuals because it hasn’t shown them the love they desrve. It has said to them that before you come inside you need to deal with your sin and brokeness, when that is the exact opposite of what the church is for.

Comment by Dave — 3/5/2005 @ 2:03 am

Dave says, “I believe that God can change and heal…”

While I know that I am a poor, miserable sinner like everyone else, I don’t consider my sexual orientation an illness needing to be “healed,” and I find your comment condescending and hurtful. Consider that my attempt to speak the truth in love.

Comment by LutheranChik — 3/5/2005 @ 3:21 pm

I’m sorry if you find them condescending and hurtful, that was not my intention.

Comment by Dave — 3/5/2005 @ 5:01 pm