Down The Rabbit Hole
It’s been almost a month since I’ve written anything here and it has weighed heavily on my mind. The Conscious Cataclysm has been an important, integral part of my life for almost a year. I would like to say that I’ve had nothing of value to write lately, but that wouldn’t be the case. There have been a lot of things I could have written about. Happy things, sad things, funny things, embarrassing things… I’ve thought in the back of my mind that I wanted to share all my recent thoughts and feelings with you. In some small way, if you’re a regular reader, you know where I’ve been, and hopefully have some idea of where I’m going…or as much of an idea as I have at this point.
The simple fact is, I haven’t known how to express what I’ve experienced in the past month. Somehow, this intense path of personal development and healing I’ve been on has changed. It’s gotten confusing and a bit overwhelming. All this searching for the divine, for a sense of self that I can truly feel comfortable and proud of, this constant self-examination, all this work toward healing physically, spiritually, and emotionally has gone to a different level. I really can’t explain it. It’s just different. I’m thinking about things in a new and different way. It’s almost like some of the things that have been hidden for so long are coming into the light. The problem is the fact that these “revelations” aren’t coming one at a time. They are bombarding me, and it’s a bit confusing.
This may seem odd, but even as a child I was aware of a deeper, spiritual aspect of life. I’ve worked really hard to understand, connect with, and incorporate that divine power into my life. I hesitate to call my decision to follow this spiritual path a choice, or even say it was a decision. It seemed to be the only true and right path for me to take. It’s more than the thirst for knowledge, or curiosity, it’s an intense need and drive deep within me. However, the path itself has been extremely difficult. At times, I’ve purposely strayed from the course. But, I was on the path even then. The denial was actually a part of the journey.
The possibilities opening up to me now, after so long of being shut away as impossible, are kind of frightening. I find myself not knowing what direction I want to focus on. There’s also the fact that my mind seems ready to take action, but physically, because of the Interferon, I don’t feel much like doing anything. I did have some really good news concerning my health. When I started the treatments for Hepatitis C in January, my viral count was 4 million, 160 thousand. The last blood tests I had done showed that the count has dropped to 124 thousand. I feel confident that the combination of medications, my visualization techniques, and my concentration on positive energy flow, have all had a dramatic affect on the virus.
I’m hoping to get back to making regular posts from here on out. Enjoy life!