
A Current Transmission From Ground Control

Wow guys, I've been so busy! I'm so glad spring is finally here. I went to my first drum circle of the year. For those of you that don't know, I'm in Asheville, NC and every Friday night we have a large drum circle downtown that 's incredible. This last Friday night the moon was waxing in Cancer and Mars had just gone into Leo, an awesome conjunction for me, and I truly rode it for all it was worth. The energy is still with me, even though the circle was four days ago and the Moon has moved on into Virgo. Mars is still in Leo, and will be until July 1st. Even though I haven't posted, I've been thinking about you guys. I have a list of things I want to write about, so be sure to come back!

On Sunday, I had the opportunity to meet the matriarch of a super family that came into town, from the High Point area, to celebrate Mother’s Day. Ms. Didit’s uncle hosted a cookout for the event. My own mother died several years ago in May, but I really don't miss her as I used to. She seems to have become a part of me, I feel her love and guidance at all times. I had a wonderful time celebrating, not only the memory of my own Mother, but the wonderful company of Ms. Didit’s family. Ms. Poofy was able to go with us, which just added to the fun. They are actually the beginnings of my small, but growing, urban tribe and I was glad the three of us could share the time together. It really was a lot of fun.

I'm progressing rather well in my energy work, as well as in my personal development work. Just a few posts back, I wrote about some of the things I wanted to work on. I'm not sure I've mentioned the energy work. It is intense, takes a lot of my concentration at all times, and is the foundation of all my present healing and growth. I'm open to talking about the work I'm doing to heal myself from the wounds of the past and take responsibility for the person I've become, but as far as for writing it here, I just can't. If you're interested, email me. My email address is in my full profile. Make sure you put, "A Comment On Your Blog," in the subject line. I love intelligent discussion in the areas of metaphysical healing, and religion in general.

So, there you have an update. I know all of you were dying to know what I was up to! Keep in mind, I write this for my own benefit as well as to be entertaining. Remember that I really do have some interesting things to write about in the next couple of weeks, so try and find some time to stop back by. I need the company! Enjoy life!