The Hand Of Fate Within Us All
I've been publishing posts over the past week and a half without really mentioning what was going on with me out here in the real world. I guess I was so caught up in trying to fight the flames I didn't really want to talk about the house that was burning. It was really looking like the forces of the universe had turned on me.
I think it all started with a silly spider about a month ago...
For over a year I've had a tee-tiny spider living in the corner of one of my windowsills. Every few days I'd notice that he, or maybe it was a she, had built up a tee-tiny web of a tee-tiny kingdom. No biggy, I would just dust the windowsill and go about my merry way. This went on for longer than I can remember until one day I thought, "What the hell, I'll just let him have his little world there and leave him alone." His webs were never really all that and I decided to call a truce by no longer dusting my windowsills. So I let him be.
One day about a month ago I just happened to notice. With newfound peace in his realm, Sire Spider had expanded the borders of his kingdom and had embellished his former land. I was like, "O, lord...I can't leave all that...what would the neighbors think..." I grabbed a cloth and wiped it out. At the last minute noticing that I was getting Sire Tee-Tiny Spider as well. I knew instantly that I shouldn't have done it. Remorse swept over me. I had an epiphany of sorts...It's just like my life...Just when I think I've got it goin' on...BAM...the hand of fate wipes me out too.
Okay, call me silly. I may have read too many trite fairy tales as a child (and a few as an adult as well). But have you ever seen the movie NeverWas? You haven't? God, go get it tomorrow...After you've seen it, then I'll rest my case.
That was the beginning of a chain of unfortunate circumstances that I'm glad to say I've almost come to the end of. I'm publishing this post on my computer that is virtually a slate wiped completely clean. One of the circumstances I just mentioned involved deleting the RAID O Volume on my hard drives, re-creating it, and reinstalling my Operating System. I knew I shouldn't have killed that poor tee-tiny spider.
I'm off to burn some sage now. I haven't said it in awhile, so I think it's long overdue...Enjoy life...