

Vacate is the word...vengeance has no place so near to her
Cannot find a comfort in this world
Artificial tears...vessel stabbed...next up, volunteers
Vulnerable, wisdom can't adhere...

A truant finds home...and a will to hold on...
There's a trapdoor in the sun...it's immortality...

As privileged as a whore...victims in demand for public show
Swept out through the cracks beneath the door
Holier than thou, how?
Surrendered...executed anyhow
Scrawls resolved, cigar box on the floor...

A truant finds home...and a will to hold on, to...
There's a trapdoor in the sun...

Its immortality...
I cannot stop the thought...of running out the door...
Coming up a which way sign...and all good truants must decide...
Oh, stripped and sold, mom...and an auctioned forearm...
And whiskers in the sink...
A truants finds home...and a will to hold on to..
Some die just to live...


Pearl Jam


It might have been,
Could have been should,
If only had ever seen would.
Been why else even,
When you should have seen could,
If even you would have,
Could have should would.
I even when why, you ever been should.
I would have been,
Should been, could have would done.

Kuan Yin

Goddess of Mercy and Compassion


Spirits Of The Dead

Thy soul shall find itself alone
'Mid dark thoughts of the grey tomb-stone --
Not one, of all the crowd, to pry
Into thine hour of secrecy:
Be silent in that solitude
Which is not loneliness -- for then
The spirits of the dead who stood
In life before thee are again
In death around thee -- and their will
Shall then overshadow thee: be still.

For the night -- tho' clear -- shall frown --
And the stars shall look not down,
From their high thrones in the Heaven,
With light like Hope to mortals given --
But their red orbs, without beam,
To thy weariness shall seem
As a burning and a fever
Which would cling to thee for ever :

Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish --
Now are visions ne'er to vanish --
From thy spirit shall they pass
No more -- like dew-drop from the grass:

The breeze -- the breath of God -- is still --
And the mist upon the hill
Shadowy -- shadowy -- yet unbroken,
Is a symbol and a token --
How it hangs upon the trees,
A mystery of mysteries! --

Edgar Allan Poe

Every Grain Of Sand

In the time of my confession,
in the hour of my deepest need
When the pool of tears beneath my feet
flood every newborn seed
There's a dyin' voice within me
reaching out somewhere,
Toiling in the danger and in
the morals of despair.

Don't have the inclination to
look back on any mistake,
Like Cain,
I now behold this chain of events
that I must break.
In the fury of the moment
I can see the Master's hand
In every leaf that trembles,
in every grain of sand.

Oh, the flowers of indulgence
and the weeds of yesteryear,
Like criminals,
they have choked the breath
of conscience and good cheer.
The sun beat down upon the steps
of time to light the way
To ease the pain of idleness
and the memory of decay.

I gaze into the doorway of
temptation's angry flame
And every time I pass that way
I always hear my name.
Then onward in my journey
I come to understand
That every hair is numbered
like every grain of sand.

I have gone from rags to riches
in the sorrow of the night
In the violence of a summer's dream,
in the chill of a wintry light,
In the bitter dance of loneliness
fading into space,
In the broken mirror of innocence
on each forgotten face.

I hear the ancient footsteps like
the motion of the sea
Sometimes I turn, there's someone there,
other times it's only me.
I am hanging in the balance
of the reality of man
Like every sparrow falling,
like every grain of sand.

Bob Dylan

Tao Te Ching Verse VII

Heaven and earth last forever.
The reason why heaven and earth last forever
is that they do not live for themselves.
Hence, they last forever.
Therefore, the True Person leaves self behind
and thus is found in front,
is not guarded and thus is preserved,
is self-free and thus is able to find fulfilment.


Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but do not quit.

Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit.

Author Unknown


The Simplicity Of Spiritual Enlightenment

Open your mind and your heart (the true
essence of your being) to the Infinite.

Reverently acknowledge God however God
is real to you, around and within you.

Reverently acknowledge the saints and
sages of all enlightenment traditions.

Reverently acknowledge the innate,
divine nature of every person.

Reverently acknowledge the truth of your
innermost level of being, knowing that
all knowledge of the unbounded field
of Infinite Consciousness is within you.

May we be permanently established in
conscious realization of our relationship
with the Infinite.

May we be steadfast on our meaningful
spiritual path as it is revealed to us.

May everyone be spiritually enlightened.
Roy Eugene Davis from "The Simplicity Of Spiritual Enligtenment"


Out Of A Spiritual Wasteland

In case you didn't know today was Eastern Orthodox Pascha (Easter). I got a call from my old priest about a week ago asking me if I'd like to come to the service. I told him I wasn't sure but I would think about it. When I woke up this morning it was one of the first thoughts I had. In the past week I've really been concentrating on building my spiritual strength. I think it is the only tool I have to make it through this process of death. Of course there are several aspects of spiritual strength. I have been worried about the correctness of my beliefs...I wish it could be so simple as going back to the Russian Orthodox Church. I miss it so bad, but I know in my heart that I can't go back.

The only way I think I'm going to be able to resolve this conflict is to incorporate all the beliefs I know in my heart to be true and just have my own religion....the religion of Jeff.  This may sound strange but I have an altar of sorts in a corner of my bedroom where I meditate and pray. I have included parts of several religions. I have tapestries of Ganesha, Laskmi ,Sarasvati and Ardhanarishvara. I have pictures of Buddha and Bhaiá¹£ajyaguru. There are also crystals...a bear claw...sage for cleansing.... In the past I've kept my christian icons seperate from my non-christian things but I've decided I need to bring them all together. In my process of getting ready to die, I have to come to some sort of conviction in what I believe. . and I believe parts of all of the religions...and I have to believe that that's okay...become firm in that...

When I meditate or pray I cleanse the area with sweet grass and sage then I burn Athonite style incense, pure frankincense blended with fragrant musky oils, hand-made by monks in Greece. It's hard to explain but the aroma of this incense has a dual effect on my senses. I not only smell it but I feel it as well. It is a calming, spiritual feeling. I burn beeswax candles under my icons and pictures to represent prayers and veneration. It also moves me when I play either Russian Orthodox church music or sacred chants of Shiva.

It is really hard to incorporate my Christian beliefs with my beliefs from other religions. The Christian Church is so exclusive. I still think there is a lot of wisdom in the teachings of the Orthodox Church.

Fr. Seraphim Rose wrote,

Orthodoxy is not merely a ritual, or belief, or a pattern of behavior, or anything else that a man may possess, thinking that he is thereby a Christian, and be spiritually dead; it is rather an elemental reality of power which transforms a man and gives him strength to live in the most difficult and tormenting conditions, and prepares him to depart with peace into eternal life.

Even though Father Seraphim Rose was talking about Orthodoxy...I want that strength of conviction and the transformative power that strong faith brings. I don't get that much traffic on my blog, but if you read this I'd love it if you commented.....

Enjoy Life!