
Silly Sally Was Walking Through The Park One Night...

The past few weeks have certainly been a whirlwind of activity. Somehow, I've managed to remain positive, even though at times it's been hard. In the past two weeks, I've had a number of medical appointments. One of which was with my new psychiatrist. At one point in our initial visit, he wanted to check my memory. He gave me a list of random words to remember, then he continued to talk with me and ask me questions. Naturally, I obsessed over the list while I tried to respond to his questions and comments. After several minutes, he asked me to repeat the list. I repeated what I thought to be the correct answers. He gave me a perplexed grin and asked, "Do you realize you alphabetized the list???" I busted out with laughter and amazement. I had done it without even knowing it. Maybe I should plan a trip to Vegas... Enjoy life!