
The Upcoming New Moon

Midday Friday, a New Moon occurs, marking the beginning of a new cycle. The Cancer New Moon cycle ends and the Leo New Moon cycle begins. I have always loved the New Moon because I feel like it is a time for regeneration and starting things anew. A time for planning new goals and starting new projects. I really feel an urge right now to break free from some of the things that have been restricting me. I wish I could totally redesign my personality. I want to break free from this small, limited life that I've built for myself. I have really got to start taking some steps toward developing some real life friendships, and in order to do that I'm gong to have to develop some interests and hobbies other than searching for God and the meaning of my life all the time. Above all else, I think my attitude about myself has to change. I have such a negative self-image.

If you have an interest in personal development, I'd like to suggest two sites that I've found most helpful. I am, however, one of those people that resist change. My development has been, and is, a very slow, arduous journey. Like I've said before, I'm a work in progress...

Enjoy the New Moon!