
Were You Born Between 1945 And 1965?

If you were have you been tested for Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a liver disease that results from infection
with the Hepatitis C virus. The disease can cause serious
health problems including liver damage, cirrhosis, liver
cancer and even death. In fact, Hepatitis C is a leading
cause of liver cancer and the leading cause of liver transplants.
People with Hepatitis C:
• Often have no symptoms
• Can live with an infection for decades without
feeling sick
• Can be successfully treated with medications

Why should baby boomers get tested 
for Hepatitis C?

More than 75% of adults with Hepatitis C are baby boomers.
Baby boomers are people born from 1945 through 1965.
Most of them don’t know they are infected.
• Baby boomers are five times more likely to be infected
with Hepatitis C.
• Liver disease, liver cancer, and deaths from Hepatitis C
are on the rise.
• As baby boomers age, there is a greater chance that
they will develop serious, life-threatening liver
disease from Hepatitis C.
• Testing people in this generation will help them learn
if they are infected and get them into lifesaving care
and treatment.
• Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent liver
damage, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer.

Why do baby boomers have such high 
rates of Hepatitis C?

The reason that baby boomers have the highest rates of
Hepatitis C is not completely understood. Most boomers
are believed to have become infected in the 1970s and
1980s when rates of Hepatitis C were the highest. Since
chronic Hepatitis C can go unnoticed for up to several
decades, baby boomers could be living with an infection
that occurred many years ago.
Hepatitis C is primarily spread through contact with
blood from an infected person. Many baby boomers could
have gotten infected from contaminated blood and
blood products before widespread screening of the blood
supply began in 1992 and universal precautions were
adopted. Others may have become infected from
injecting drugs, even if only once in the past. Still,
many baby boomers do not know how or when they
were infected. 

What should baby boomers know 
about Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C is a liver disease that results from infection
with the Hepatitis C virus. The disease can cause serious
health problems including liver damage, cirrhosis, liver
cancer and even death. In fact, Hepatitis C is a leading
cause of liver cancer and the leading cause of liver transplants.
People with Hepatitis C:
• Often have no symptoms
• Can live with an infection for decades without
feeling sick
• Can be successfully treated with medications

CDC now recommends that 
anyone born from 1945 through 
1965 get tested for Hepatitis C. 

Is there a test for Hepatitis C? 

Yes. There is a simple blood test to determine if a person 
has ever been infected with the Hepatitis C virus. 
Hepatitis C is not easily transmitted through sexual contact.