

I will now ground and center myself. The Earth’s energy flows through my feet, into my legs, and into my pelvis at the base of my spine. My Root Chakra awakens. I can visualize and feel the red swirl of energy vibrating with Divine Life. I know who I am, and I belong. I will feel grounded and safe, today and always. I am connected to all of life and the universe. All of my needs will be met.

The energy moves up my body pausing just below my navel. My Sacral Chakra awakens. I can visualize and feel the orange swirl of energy vibrating with Divine Life. I feel well and enjoy the pleasures of my body. All of my relationships, even the most casual, have spiritual value. I am a creative being. I am grateful for all I have and know that more is on the way.

The energy moves up my body pausing at my Solar Plexus - the dip under my breastbone. I can visualize and feel the yellow swirl of energy of the Chakra awaken. It is full of confidence and vibrating with Divine Life. I am honorable in the relationship I have with myself. I accept the responsibility for the person I've become. I am worthy of all good things. I have the confidence I need to interact with others and my surroundings. I have the confidence to make the choices that are best for me, and the freedom to do so.

The energy moves up my body pausing at my Heart Chakra above my breastbone. I can visualize and feel the green swirl of energy awaken. It is full of love, strength, energy, and balance. It vibrates with Divine Life. Love is Divine Power. I love myself. I can live peacefully in this world. Let my interactions with people bring peace and love. Let me see things in peo;le that others may not see.

The energy moves up my body pausing at my Throat Chakra – in the hollow of my throat. I can visualize and feel the sky blue swirl of energy awaken. I feel myself release my will to Divine Guidance as the Chakra vibrates with Divine Life. My every choice has global consequences. My actions will be motivated by my trust and faith in Divine Authority. My faith is strong and pure. I will listen to everyone’s truth and share mine if they wish.

The energy moves up my body pausing at my Third Eye Chakra – between my eyebrows. I can visualize and feel the indigo swirl of energy awaken. I can see the things that lie within, and feel the intuition that brings messages from my higher self. May I be able to discern between truth and illusion. As the Chakra vibrates with Divine Life, I feel able to hear all the true messages and follow them without reserve.

The energy moves up my body pausing at my Crown Chakra – at the middle of the top of my head. I can visualize and feel the amethyst, blending with white, swirl of energy awaken. It vibrates with Divine Life. I can feel myself letting go. No more emotional illusions of fear. I no longer hold on to the past. I do not anticipate the future. I live in the presence of the Divine Now…