
The Meaning Of Life, Time, And Other Such Things

Okay, so back in school before I killed so many brain cells, I was in an advanced algebra class when I suddenly felt I had found the meaning of life. We were graphing systems of nonlinear equations with multiple variables. After a day of doing these equations I came to the realization that the meaning of life was for us to find our "x", "y" intercept points, maintaining a constant steady slope, while God threw changing variables of varying degrees of difficulty into the system of nonlinear equations we call our life.

Now, on a side note, let me say that I have always had a problem with seeing time as linear. I'm not even going to go there right now...but it would explain why I have such a problem with punctuation!

What brought the memory back to me and this subsequent blog post was the fact that I caught myself sitting here staring at my candle, icons, and crystals...It wasn't just that though...I had been sitting here for quite awhile and had suddenly realized just how long I had been that way. I asked myself, "How long are you going to sit here like this?"

I was reminded of an old Joan Osborne song called, "Crazy Baby." I was going to post the lyrics, but after checking my archives, I found that I already have. I also realized that either God (however you choose to interpret that) has really thrown me a whammy this time, my graphing calculator is on the fritz, or I'm close to losing it. Someone hand me another candle, would you?

Enjoy Life!