
Turn The Page

I have long held the belief that our concious perception of reality has an altering effect on the way our life unfolds. This is certainly not a new idea, or even one with profound mystical meanings. It's pretty much common sense. If you believe, or at least hope, that good things are going to happen, more than likely, they will. Likewise, if you have a pessimistic attitude, and always expect the worse, of course bad things will probably happen. I am facing two tough challenges in the next few weeks and months. Both have the potential to have very positive outcomes. One, however, has me very concerned. The end result is completely out of my hands. The only things I have control over are; my decision to take a chance on the challenge, and my ability to keep a positive attitude in order to get through it. I'll be starting an Inteferon/Ribovarin course of treatment very soon in hopes of curing my Hepatitis C. I have a 50/50 chance of it working.

Because of this, I've decided to change the focus and style of my blog. This will be the second time that I've changed direction since starting. A large part of my writing during the first month or two was done in journal style posts. I was working through some tough identity issues, a mid-life crisis of sorts, involving my religious beliefs and my sexuality. While writing, I came to what I felt was a healthy new awareness of myself. (And happily still feel that way) My "true-self" had always been there, but it had been suppressed, denied, and even reviled. With my own issues firmly in hand, I started addressing some of the political and humanitarian issues I felt were important. Now, since my earlier writing proved to be so therapeutic, I think it is important for me to withdraw from the larger, public arena, and focus once again on some of my own personal battles.

I look forward to making my first post in this new vein, ironically during a new moon. Enjoy life...