

I got an incredible amount of energy from this past Full Moon and have been bombarded with helpful, healing information and resources ever since. At times I have felt a bit overwhelmed and have had the feeling of not being able to keep up with everything that has been coming to me. I have literally had to force myself to step away from it and find some time to be mindful and try to meditate on grounding myself. I have been talking to my therapist about the importance of finding balance in my life and since I've never really had that this is all new to me. Having a spiritual awakening and finding a new balance in your life at the same time is proving to be quite a challenge but I feel up to it at this time. I really feel like I can look at myself in the mirror now and say honestly, "I'm healing..." The story of the phoenix keeps popping into my mind and what is really strange is the fact that I did a fun little chart the other day that gave you your "hippy name" by using the first letter of your first name and the date of the day you were born. My "hippy name" turned out to be Phoenix Star..." I've decided I might just use that from time to time. I like the way it sounds and feels and it kind of has personal meaning for me!

Enjoy Life!