
What Did He Say?

I must be suffering from some sort of "writer's block" today. I'm reluctant to even call myself a writer. I have several drafts for posts and ideas for topics scribbled here and there. Mostly here thank God, but anyway, when I started poking around for something to post tonight I could only sit there and stare at them. I had finally decided to just not post tonight but I was really uncomfortable with that. You see, I made a commitment to myself to publish at least one post a day. (Long pause as he thinks about what he has just written and why he's felt so out of sorts today) I finally decided that my only option was to write about not wanting to write.

Earlier today I went to the chiropractor. (hum...could that have screwed with my neural pathways?) You know, I never thought I'd get so much pleasure from the cracking of my bones. When the practitioner that initially examined me asked me to describe my pain as shooting, stabbing, etc., I said, "It's kind of burny." What? Burny? I had a flash of Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street in my mind. Dang, I'm making up words now. It's kind of along the lines of my saying please to the soda machine downstairs, (out loud mind you) Sometimes I get worried about myself. I live alone and have gotten into the habit of occasionally talking to myself out loud too. I guess I could call it thinking out loud. Since the conversations are totally one-sided I guess I shouldn't worry. That makes me think...

Once, when I was feeling like a laboratory animal, and my doctor was trying to figure out the correct combination of medicines to treat my "condition," I was plagued with racing thoughts. Some of them quite nasty and mean. I told somebody one day that I wished my brain would just shut up... Okay, Let me set the stage for you before I go any further. At the time all this was happening, I had the bright idea to go to our local community college and try for an associate's degree. Like there wasn't enough going on in my head at the time, and despite the fact that I was still homeless, living in a shelter.

I had taken an introduction to java class and was having a difficult time. I went to bed one night and had probably the most unsettling dream I've ever had. In the dream I was sitting in front of a desktop computer watching all this matrix type programming code scroll up the monitor. This is hard to describe to you, but, I could feel what was going on in my mind and there was nothing. No internal dialogue, nothing, a void, an abyss of nothingness. It was the spookiest thing I've ever felt to this day. I can still remember what it felt like. The next day I remembered having wished for my brain to shut up. Man, God had fulfilled my wish. I thank him that it was only in a dream. Anyway, I guess the moral of that little story is obvious. Be really careful what you wish for.

I'm really tired of all this not wanting to write and writing anyway about not wanting to write, which I really haven't written about at all. Makes you kind of dizzy, huh? I missed my personal deadline. Oh well. Enjoy life...